Yen Nguyen
freelance photographer
+ about
I discovered my interest in photography during one field trip while working for the UN in Viet Nam in early 2000s – I was amazed at how the camera could pick up the different colours of sunset that my eyes could not see... Boosting up my interest and becoming a photographer just fit right into my line of work, gathering human-interest stories and storytelling for development projects, like second nature.
I have covered many photo assignments, capturing images and stories of children in needs of better access to education, of farmers who aspire to try new ways to improve their crops, of migrant workers’ struggles to earn a living, of communities heavily affected by typhoons or floods and many more. I have also worked with individual clients, shooting weddings, family celebrations, artists’ interviews and installations, and shows such as plays, dances, concerts and school performances. I take photos when traveling and have large collections of images from all over Vietnam, where I am from and 20 other countries where I’ve been for work or holiday.
My style is capturing moments, and working in development field helps me to understand how to approach and engage with my subjects, many of whom are vulnerable individuals and communities, and to portray them with respect and dignity.
Currently I live in New York and work as a freelance consultant.